Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today, me and my crew, along with a few other gals from our Hearts at Home homeschool group met at the Yolo Wildlife Preserve for our weekly nature walk. It was an absolutely perfect day. We drove pretty far into the preserve before parking, and when we got out of the car I felt like I stepped into the midwest; there were no trees and no buildings, so the sky stretched out forever in every direction, as far as you could see. The birds were singing so loudly that although we were close to the freeway, no sounds of traffic could be distinguished. Here's a sampling of our morning:

No cars were permitted on this road (not that there was anyone else out there anyway).

The air was humid in the midst of the wetlands, and the blooming flowers everywhere filled the air with a delightfully pleasant fragrance.

With such wide open space and no vehicles, our kids were able to wander pretty freely. Shaenee did get a little stuck (literally) in the mud in this partially dried pond. Did I mention the bird song?!

If you're in the area, check it out!! We will definitely be there again, though it seems the spring and fall are the best times, so we'll probably skip summer.


  1. Figures that Shae would find a way to get into the mud...LOL

  2. What a shame I couldn't join you! It looks like a magic day. I hope you will all continue to nature walk next year when our schedule is a little freer. - Hope to see you tomorrow night :-)
